Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quick Tip

Never have any "accidents" on the same person too many times. If you "accidently" drop a towel around them 5 times a week, they'll know your up to somthing

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Beaches and pools are excelent and should be everyone's starting point. It would make perfect sence to start where everyone's half naked already! Here are some tips:

  • Just go streaking, plain and simple, take them off, pick a corse, and go. Go where there are few lifeguards, and few to no kids. The younger you are, the more you can get away with, after all, whos going to care if a 'crazy' teenager is just having fun?
  • Delibertly where your swim suit inside out. Look frusterated and suprised when you notice this, and try and change in the water. Its a strethch, but with waves moving up and down, you may be accidntly exposed.
  • You know that shower thing that washes off all the sand, try and adust your suit so it looks like your getting the sand out, but try and show a litte part of yourself off.
  • In a changing room, there is traditionally three walls and a door, each connected with eachother. You can do this two ways: 1. place your suit over the door, and have it fall off, then open the door to go grab it, and expose yourself, or: 2. this is more risky, place your suit over the wall and have it fall into the next changingroom. you could possibly (if no ones in there) have to go out naked, go into the changing room then go back, giving other occupents in the changing room a good view, or if someone is in their, ask them for your suit back, its embarassing and a rush.
  • Lay down on the beach naked, with a towel gently placed over your ass. Do this only on a windy day, and have the towel blow off partially or completly. Act like your asleep and wake up embarresed and suprised to find your ass has been on display for God knows how long! (for the experienced, do this facing up)

Towel Tips for Beginners

Heres how i started, the towel. It is easy to find, common to wear with nothing else, and ecceptible if it falls off. Your towel can accidently fall of when:

  • Your getting the mail, as all the cars pass by, accidently drop your towel, and expose yourself
  • Your getting food delivered to your house, pick it up and then have it drop while your holding the food in your hand, having something in your hand like a pizza box makes it more difficult to cover yourself right away, giving you more expsoer time.
  • Your act like your pet has something of yours in its mouth, and act like its an emergency, (i.e glasses, etc.) then chase after it and loose your towel along the way. This can be done in front or back yard.
  • Your in the locker room, this is a gold mine of oppritunity. When your walking by, accidntly drop your towel, etc.
  • If your a swimmer, there are times when swimmers on high school teams change out in the open by putting a towel around them, pull off their briefs/panties, then put on their speedos. While naked under the towel, try and see if it can accidently fall off.
  • Your in summer camp, another gold mine, just have an accidnet as your walking from/to the showers
  • When sharing a hotel room, plan so that you get in the shower when there are no towels, ask someone to help you, then they may possbly make fun of you and they do all the work, or when they hand you the towel, see if you can give them a show ,)
  • While in a towel, try reaching for something up high, then have towel accidnetly drop in front of everyone
  • Almost all of these are great to do in front of a window in your own home, at night when your lights are on.


There are some very easy and important rules to follow, and they are ranked in order of importance, these rules are the rules ALL exhibitionists should know

1. NO KIDS!!! Please do not involve kids in exposing yourself, they have minds that are still developing, and doing that could seriously warp them. If you feel you want to involve kids in your antics, please seek help.

2. KEEP IN MIND YOUR BREAKING THE LAW: Be cautious, be careful, and go where police aren't, try and avoid a crimminal record

3. KEEP CONTROL: Exhibitionism can get out of hand, one moment your showing your parts, the next your placing yourself in an inescapable situation for a rush, don't let your fantasies be self desctructive

4. PRE PLAN ROUT: Plan where your going to go, how your going to do it. Practice, decide how long you want to be exposed, and how you will present yourself, think carefuly about what you want and go for it.

5. STUDY YOUR AUDIENCE: Study your victims like your rout, ask, "what do I want their reaction to be?" if its anger, don't expose yourself to a drunk laid back college student, if its disgust, target 30 year old women. And think: "would this person call the cops on me?"

6. START SMALL: I started small, by just little episodes here and there. Work your way up, experience and getting way with it go hand in hand.


If your on this blog, that means your interested in pursuing a life of an exhibitonist. An exhibitionist is someone who feels inclined to expose him/her self in front of unsuspecting people. We will call these people, 'victims' even though we cause them no harm. According to the DMS iv, we have mental disorder number 302.4, but we know we aren't crazy, we just love the thrill of exposing ourselves!

What will this blog teach?

This blog is to give helpful advice on how to "accidently" expose yourself and some of the most basic rules of exhibitionsim.

Who are you?

I am an avid exhibitionist, who enjoys streaking, CFNM, and exhibitionism, I am a guy, but this blog is for all genders, and I also am a bad speller, just to warn you. Please email me at tonbob66@yahoo.com, i love comments and questions, and enjoy the blog!